My brother and I visited MindTrix in Portland, Oregon in late 2019 right before the pandemic shutdown. We did two of their rooms (Time Machine and Tesla's Mystery), and they were very good.
MindTrix is located in Clackamas Town Center mall. It was a little bit of a walk, but it was easy to find a parking spot. The game master was also the game designer. You can tell that he and his wife put a lot of thought and effort into these rooms. I was very impressed with their building and design skills. The decor/immersiveness of all the rooms were excellent. I like the name MindTrix too.
I highly recommend MindTrix because it is a unique and high quality experience. Almost all of the best escape rooms are large chains that put a lot of effort into creating a few good rooms that they recreated in many different locations, but MindTrix is an exception to that rule. It's obvious that the owners of MindTrix love what they do. Their passion for escape rooms made the experience exciting and unique.
The game creator has mastered the use of lasers in an incredible way. He uses lasers in ways I've never seen before, and his puzzles/locks have left generation one puzzles in their dust.

Time Machine
Mike's Difficulty Rating: 3 (out of 5)
Their Difficulty Rating: Medium
The theme and storyline of Time Machine was very unique and exciting. It had two surprising elements that I've never seen before. I won't spoil those elements here, I will say this room had one of the coolest laser puzzles I've ever seen. In the last of four areas in this room, there was a very creative, automated system to keep track of your progress on the puzzles. I loved that. My frustration with the room concerns a frustrating element that the creator chose to add that allows a team to complete the room but fail the room by completing it incorrectly. You'll need to watch for hints about the final puzzle while you do the room to avoid failing the room while completing the final puzzle.
We completed the room in 55 minutes.

Tesla's Mystery
Mike's Difficulty Rating: 2 (out of 5)
Their Difficulty Rating: Medium
Tesla's Mystery was the best room we did at MindTrix. It had one of the coolest puzzle and lock combinations I've ever seen. The whole time we were solving the puzzle I was thinking, "this can't actually work, right?" But it worked, and it was so fun! When we walked in, the room was dark. That made me nervous about the room because I have bad eyesight, but the first puzzle is to turn on the lights. When the lights came on, the room came alive. The decor is very impressive and interactive. I always love it when creators are able to hide the generation two (electronic) locks in the decor/furniture, and this room has a lot of that. If you get a chance, do this room.
We completed the room in 50 minutes.